Fill the Well

Hello students,

I miss you and hope you are all doing well.

As you begin to receive guidance from your teachers about how to continue work in your CORE subjects, the fine arts blogs (music, dance, drama, art; all found at are going to post some ideas, videos, websites, resources, activities etc. for you to use as part of your arts-centred learning. These are not for assessment, but a way for us to connect creatively, try something new, and have fun. We hope that these ideas will help you to pass the time with joy.

The Fine Arts team at Willow Park School along with Studio Artist Mark Vasquez-Mackay are a vital
part of our learning community. They are an incredibly talented and caring group of individuals who
understand how important the arts are at a time like this to nourish and sustain that creative aspect
of our humanity. As a result, they have created a blog for all students and families as a community
to visit and contribute to.
The blog is called Fill the Well and it is a capacious handbag of artworks, inspirations and activities to fill your soul. We invite you to visit the site regularly.

Feel free to get in touch by emailing me at

Take care of yourselves,

Ms. Abma


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